ABLE DESIGN AWARD -World Competition-

開催概要 -about-
「ABLE DESIGN AWARD」は、今回で10回目を迎える空間デザインコンペティションです。過去には若手デザイナーの育成を目的に日本で開催し、今年はミラノを舞台に、世界の5校が集結。1次の書類審査、2次のプレゼンテーション審査を勝ち抜き、日本から選出された大学3校と、海外招待2校の実物大作品を展示します。
ABLE DESIGN AWARD is a space design competition that celebrate its 10th anniversary in 2019. It has been held in Japan for purpose of fostering young designers in the past many years. 3 universities who won the 1st and 2nd screenings in Japan, and 2 universities by invitation participate in the exhibition to compete the final stage of the award.
テーマ ‐theme‐
LAUGH is a symbol of happiness
There are five spaces where the world's universities compete in the hall where the laughter and music come through the trees
Projecting Happiness People and Space for Visitors
Ceiling Mirror connects people to people
展示概要 -summary-
展示サイズ-Display size-
Expressed in a space of 64㎥ in one room (4 m wide x 4 m high x 4 m deep)
ミラノサローネ会場展示 -Milan Salone exhibition-
展示スペース:4m ☓ 4m ☓ 4m(64㎡)
会期:2019年4月8日~14日 授賞式:2019年4月11日
We decide grand prix work during session period!
Date: April 8-14, 2019 Awards Ceremony: April 11, 2019
主催 -Sponsored-
株式会社エイブル ABLE INC.
エイブルデザインチームとは -about ABLE DESIGN TEAM-
株式会社エイブルが学生キャリア支援プログラムとして、 2016年から賃貸物件のリノベーションをデザインする「エイブルデザインチーム」を発足。 エイブル空間デザインコンペティションの入賞者で構成されるエイブルデザインチームは、 賃貸物件オーナーに向けてリノベーションデザインを提案したり、 企業と商品化に向けたデザイン提案を行うなど、 学生生活では経験できない様々なプロジェクトに参加することができます。
Able Co., Ltd. launched the "Able Design Team" to design renovations for rental properties in 2016 as a student career support program. The Able Design Team, composed of winners of the Able Space Design Competition, offers a variety of projects that can not be experienced in student life, such as proposing renovation design for rental property owners and making design proposals for corporate and commercialization. You can participate in.
参加校 -exhibitor-
Grand Prix
University of Tokyo
Department of Architecture
Nile Kimura / Yuta Shimoda / Suguru Oba
Particles behave.
This pavilion is an imitation of a Japanese tearoom surrounded by a garden. In Taian, one
of the most famous tearooms designed by Rikyu, the host and guests sit closely in a room
of only 2 square meters and enjoy tea in its unique manner. In a taut atmosphere, each
behavior is emphasized. The garden mellows the tension by bringing tremor into the static
In this pavilion, the floor swings, following the behavior and position of the people in the
room. The movement of the floor affects the frame by wires through pulleys and thus the
particles start to dance. This way, every move you make are connected to the mirror
panels. In other words, the particles of the scenes behave as you do.
This unusual situation makes you behave cautiously. Even so, the thousand particles catch
subtle motions and veil you in a wonderful spectacle. At first you will get lost in the sense of
balance, then gradually recognize the relationship between the environment and your
behavior. This will bring you pleasure just as a newborn recognizes the physical rules of the
world through playing around.

Tama Art University
Environmental Design
Kaito Kawana
The randomly placed pipes may look abstract and meaningless on the first sight. However,
as you explore around these colorful pipes, you may realize that the red, black, white and
gold colors on the pipes forms "Dharma", a doll that represents good fortune and happiness.
Happiness can mean different things to different people. It could mean to fight for someone,
to be wealthy, to battle someone or even just to be alone. It is a word that everyone shares
but yet, it can differ depending on how you perceive it.
The colorful pipes forming the doll "Dharma" is to convey how people may not see the same
happiness as each other but happiness lives inside everyone.

Faculty of Art and Design
Kyoto Traditional Cultural Innovation Laboratory
The Brighten the World at Your Corner Activities.
Laugh = Drawing a "Laugh" by spotlighting the things placed in a corner of the society that
don't draw people's attention.
We propose a Japanese lantern (cyochin) that used to be a familiar light source to
Japanese not as a "light" but as a "space" which you can get into the inside of.
"Japanese lanterns look like identical from outside regardless of their process of
production and materials. However, if looking at them from inside, you will see their own
process of manufacturing and materials. We prefer how they look like from inside", a
Japanese lantern craftworker said.
Today, we feel happiness (laugh) at the moment when knowing the inside of things instead
of their outside. Our interest is starting to shift to the things that people haven't paid any
attention to other than their appearance - knowing their manufacturing process, materials
and stories.

Politecnico di Milano
Dipartimento di Architettura e Studi Urbani
Advanced Urban Design Workshop
Farid Abdulla / Noelia Acebes Fernandez / Aida Afsari / Pilar Alverde Esteban / Nana Ayensua Amonoo / Martina Buzzo / Chrysa Chatziralli / Weißinger Frauke / Giulio Galasso / Ayda Khayyami / Ka Wai Lam / Casilda Lopez-Quesada Rubio / Martina Maletti / Maria Magdalini Meimaridou / Alejandro Mendiola De La Peña / Javier Ortiz Garcia / Yanquan Ouyang / Mahboobeh Rezaei / Karrthik Subramanian Raamanathan / Lemonia Tsilimpokou / Catherine van Dorssen / Danxiang Wang / Jacob Michael Westerman
The Pangea Game
The Pangea Game is a playground for kids and adults, where people can feel surprised
like a child looking at a game for the first time.
The main theme of the project is the duality of its space, which provides both relax and
fun, with it - thanks to the Pangea Game - and within it.
The Pangea Game becomes a space of encounter and delight, a place where to stop
and enjoy. But also a space of knowledge, where to rethink over contemporary
challenges of coexistence between humans and nature, in a perspective of ecology and
environmental sustainability: issues we can no longer ignore.

Central Saint Martins, University of the Arts London
Spatial Practices / BA Ceramic Design / M.Arch Architecture
Olivia Birnbaum / Vlad Bodogan / Alessandro Brazzale / Ting-Ju Chen / Olivia Claire Matthews Chester / Samuel Clayton / Karl Alexander Ewart / Alice Chilangwa Farmer / Moetaz Osman Fathalla / Mark Anthony Freeman / Lorna
Beatrice Gallagher / Anna Filippa Larsdotter Hellsten / Joshua John Mallins / Rohit Nandha / Olivia Page / Risha Patel / Christian Richards / Luc Sanciaume / Thomas Edward Thornton / Jason Ho Chun Tsang / Rebecca Lauren Turner / Lina Viluma / Camilla Katherine Wood
Community Kiln
This project has been developed with the intention of providing community access to the
pleasures of social making in urban settings. The first iteration has been built, installed and
commissioned at The Skip Garden in London's Kings Cross development area. The
intention is to evolve and proliferate such facilities for the benefit of communities locally,
nationally, and internationally.
The Community Kiln evolved out of Ignition: a partnership between Central Saint Martin's
Ceramics Department and Global Generations Skip Garden, Kings Cross that has grown out
of the success of CSM's Local Encounters programme of creative engagement. Following
various events and local engagement activities in the area as part of Ignition, the two
organisations recognized the benefits of building a semi-permanent outdoor kiln on the Skip
Garden site. To deliver the project a new collaboration was formed between the
College's BA Ceramic Design and M Arch: Architecture courses to design and build the first
community kiln in the King's Cross area.

審査員 -judge-
審査員長・小山 薫堂(放送作家)
Chief judge・Kundou Koyama(TV writer)1964年熊本県生まれ。放送作家、脚本家。日大芸術学部放送学科在籍中に放送作家としての活動を開始。テレビ番組での代表作に、「カノッサの屈辱」「料理の鉄人」「ニューデザインパラダイス」など。映画脚本を手掛けた「おくりびと」は、第81回アカデミー賞外国語映画賞、第32回日本アカデミー賞最優秀作品賞を樹書した。著書に『考えないヒント』『いのちのかぞえかた』『人生食堂100軒』など。現在、東北芸術工科大学デザイン工学部企画構想学科学科長、同大教授。N35inc・株式会社オレンジ・アンド・パートナーズ代表。

谷尻 誠(建築家)
Makoto Tanijiri(architect)1974年、広島県生まれ。本兼建築設計事務所、HAL建築工房を経て、2000年に建築設計事務所「SUPPOSE DESIGN OFFICE(サポーズデザインオフィス)」を設立。14年より吉田愛と共同主宰。03年「JDCデザインアワード」新人賞を始めとして、毎年数多くのアワードを受賞している。19年秋頃、広島にホテルをオープンするプロジェクトが進行中。レストラン、展示会などを行うギャラリースペースも併設される予定。穴吹デザイン専門学校特任講師、広島女学院大学客員教授、大阪芸術大学准教授。講演なども積極的に行っている。

今村 有策(東京芸術大学大学院教授)
Yusaku Imamura(Tokyo Art University Graduate School Professor)Design Association NPO理事

飯田 都之麿(建築家)
Toshimaro Iida(architect)飯田都之麿/一級建築士。1971年・北海道生まれ。'95年・東京大学建築学科卒業後、石井和紘建築研究所入所。2003年・飯田都之麿建築デザイン一級建築士事務所設立。'12年・シンガポールオフィス、TOSHIMARO DESIGN PTE.LTD.設立。 永島多美乃/インテリアデザイナー。武蔵野美術短期大学卒業。飯田都之麿建築デザイン一級建築士事務所共同設立。

平田 竜史(株式会社エイブルホールディングス 代表取締役社長)
Ryuji Hirata(Able Holdings Inc. President and CEO)株式会社エイブルホールディングス 代表取締役社長。

国内審査員 -judge in Japan-
西野 亮廣(アーティスト)
Akihiro Nishino(artist)1980 年、日本生まれ。芸人として、ライブ活動、テレビ出演するほか、舞台や映像の脚本や演出、執筆活動も行う。2009 年に、0.03mm モノクロのペン 1 本で書き綴った絵本『Dr.インクの星空キネマ』で絵本作家としてデビュー。その後、『ジップ&キャンディ ロボットたちのクリスマス』『オルゴールワールド』などを刊行。『えんとつ町のプペル』は、イラストレーター33 人と完全分業制での制作。絵本としては異例の37万部を越える大ヒット作。その他にも著書多数。

成瀬友梨・猪熊 純(建築家)
Yuri Naruse・Jun Inokuma(architect)建築はもとより、プロダクトからランドスケープ、まちづくりまで、様々なデザインを行う。近年では、場所のシェアの研究を行い、新しい運営と一体的に空間を作ることを実践。コワーキングスペース、イノベーションセンター、シェアハウス、コミュニティカフェ、福祉施設などを設計中。

審査フロー -Examination process-
一次審査 -Primary examination-
書類審査(※終了しました)Document examination(※Finished)
プレゼン審査 -Presentation examination-
書類通過者 最大6組による 模型&プレゼンテーション審査(※終了しました)Model & presentation examination by 6 passers(※Finished)
ファイナルステージ進出校3校決定 -Final examination entry school decided-
⇩Superstudioに展示 -Display at Superstudio-
2019年4月8~14日 ミラノサローネ期間中April 8-14, 2019 Milan Salone period
グランプリ決定 Grand Prix decision-
Superstudioにて海外招待校を含む5校を対象に来場者投票を実施し、最も票数を獲得した学校をグランプリとして表彰します。(授賞式:2019年4月11日)We will carry out a visitor's vote for five schools, including overseas invited schools, in Superstudio, and will award the school with the highest number of votes as the Grand Prix. (Award ceremony: April 11, 2019)